mojo linux

1996-08-10 First version of mojo linux released
Yes, it was an attempt to offer yet another linux (YAL)

This is for a SuSE based system. No real support for other *nix
Windows only of the 9x variety
2004-12-28 Second version of mojo linux released
This clarified the support win32 tools
to make MS-Windows more linux-like
This is for a SuSE based system. No real support for other *nix
Windows only of the NT variety (at least XP or Server 2003)
2011-12-02 Another version of mojo linux released
This tried to make the win32 tools
more relocatable
This is for a SuSE based systems or Ubuntu (vanilla)
Windows only of the NT variety (at least XP or Server 2003)
Another version of mojo linux released
This tried to make the win32 tools
more relocatable

This time, we are adding components for Windows one at a time
Particularly for Windows, supporting a /apps installation via modules
This is for a SuSE based systems or Ubuntu (vanilla)
Windows only of the NT variety (at least Windows 7 or Server 2008)